Hierarchy of risk factors:
food (security, quality, safety)
and water security (sanitation)
Gut Microbiota as a Lever to Improve Human Health
ASU was the group attempting to create and patent synthetic gcmaf. They didn’t succeed. I believe it was simultaneous with Japan gcmaf first generation approx. 2005.
For several years now, research has also shown that it is possible to transfer depression via microbiota transplant. For example, in 2016 a paper was published wherein scientists took the microbiota from depressed humans, and transferred it into rats, inducing, “…behavioral and physiological features characteristic of depression in the recipient animals…”[ii]
Then came Jim Adams and colleagues, at Arizona State University, who used fecal transplant in an open-label study in autism, and found that they could confer an 80% reduction in GI symptoms and also radical improvement in the symptoms of autism in the children: “…clinical assessments showed that behavioral ASD symptoms improved significantly and remained improved 8 weeks after treatment ended.”[iii] It was huge news, a couple of months ago, when the follow up study was published by these same scientists, which showed that the gains these children had made were retained 2 years later: “…most improvements in GI symptoms were maintained, and autism-related symptoms improved even more after the end of treatment.”[iv] (This of course makes perfect sense. GI symptoms were mostly maintained but of course, would be diet dependent. And autism symptoms like speech issues require months of therapy to show improvement. If the microbiota transplant worked, you’d expect the children to be able to learn better and more efficiently, and improve continually over time.)
Having read these, and many other such studies over the years, the latest big biome news in the autism world came as absolutely no surprise to me. Last week, researchers at the California Institute of Technology reported that the symptoms of autism can be transferred to mice via FMT.[v] They took germ-free mice, infused them with the gut bacteria from children on the autism spectrum, and low and behold: “…these mice were less vocal than the mice in the control group. They also tended to engage in more repetitive behaviors and spent less time interacting with other mice.”[vi] They also found differences in the brains of the treated mice, including changes in certain molecules (metabolites) which were at lower levels in the “ASD” mice. These particular metabolites, taurine and 5AV (5-amonovaleric acid) affect the levels of GABA in the brain, a neurotransmitter responsible for calming neurons down after they’ve been stimulated. Many kinds of seizures, which involve abnormal neuronal excitement, for example, are associated with low levels of GABA. And abnormal levels of GABA have long been associated with autism spectrum disorders.
The researchers took the research a step further and gave 5AV and taurine to a particular kind of mouse (called BTBR) which has been bred to have autism-like behaviors: “The study found that treating the mice with either 5AV or taurine led to noticeable decreases in the characteristic ASD-like behaviors…And, when the researchers examined brain activity in these mice, they found a strong link between increases in the levels of 5AV and decreased excitability in the brain.” To summarize: giving the mice gut bacteria from children with autism not only caused behavioral changes consistent with autism, but also caused chemical changes in the brain that parallel known alterations found in those on the spectrum.
“This is where Sharon and colleagues’ new study comes in. The researchers took faecal samples from autistic children and neurotypical (non-autistic) control children and gave them to “germ-free” mice — animals bred in an isolator that prevents exposure to micro-organisms. Growing up without bacteria (many of which are healthy and beneficial) means that these mice are not ideal test subjects. So the researchers bred the mice, making sure to pair male and female mice that had the same human “donor”. The resultant offspring each received their gut bacteria from a single human child. It was this second generation of mice that the researchers tested.
It’s an ingenious design because it allows separation of cause and effect. If gut microbes don’t cause autism, then we shouldn’t expect there to be any differences in the behaviour of mice receiving their microbes from autistic versus non-autistic donors. But if there are differences between the two groups of mice — if the mice with autistic donors show more autistic behaviour — it’s evidence that gut microbes cause or at least contribute to autism.”
Can gut bacteria cause autism (in mice)?
Sorry I forgot to flip screen views for you.

The result is the same in every mammal.... they never thrive
Supplementing these children’s meals with widely used therapeutic foods that increase calories and nutrient density reduces deaths from malnutrition, but it does not fix their persistent microbiota immaturity.
“Perhaps more insidious than slowing growth is malnutrition’s effect on less visible aspects of health, including impaired brain development and dysfunctional immunity, which follow these children throughout their lives”.
The Father of The Microbiome
Dr. Jeffrey Gordon

Mass Vax Die Off Stuns Scientists! – While Americans Drop, Africans Thrive!
If you want the good stuff…
As comparable to Garden of Life…. 50 or more organism kefir available on her site, takes a lot of daily/weekly work but the times may call for it….
* Not necessary for conversion gc protein in bovine colostrum to maf but if you want it go for it, the temp. is fine (room temp). Garden of Life has 28 strain European kefir grains. Most store bought has 12 strains or less (quality control). They no longer sell 50+ kefir strains (freeze dried) that I can find anywhere on the internet (that company went out of business) including the freeze dried offering on her site. She will send live kefir grains in a jar (to what countries, I don’t know).
How to make reuteri kefir/yogurt.
Skip the inulin. Probiotics and friendly yeasts utilize lactose generally. His whey is collected from Siggi’s. You can collect whey from any store bought kefir. The benefit addition is reuteri (a human milk strain) and fermentation time (increasing counts). Add colostrum and yogurt post ferment with milk and make a drink, (don’t know the yogurt temp. of insta pot setting but room temp. or gut temp. is ideal for colostrum).