Max B-ND B Complex Review
My review of a fermented B complex formula.
All in all I was pretty amazed that I noticed benefit in nail health in a short time. B vitamins, especially thiamine are hard for me to synthesize and it takes a lot of extra effort to keep my B vitamins up. I’ve never noticed any effect with any synthetic B complex and that includes sub lingual, methyl and benfotiamine so for years now I have not wasted my money on any B vitamin complex. If they worked at all it took months and I’ve never noticed any substantial benefit in either energy or lab results so I could never really endorse any particular brand. My teenage daughter’s poor eating habits sent me in search of another one and I ran across this and decided to give it a try. These are just observations that will occur when B vitamin levels are enhanced and I’ve had no lab work to substantiate.
My daughter loves nutritional yeast but that is not an ideal solution as you can’t rely on any good brand to remain on the shelf so in my estimation it is better to try a different formulation and more fermented products are becoming available.

All in all I think that is a good approach to assimilate human nutrition as it has been practiced for centuries and that is through fermented foods of which I already know there are untold benefits.
I’ll probably keep taking this product or at least have it on hand for those days when I am just not able to keep up with my daily drink or make my own kefir with an extra ferment time to boost vitamin B production or find my new favorite brand of bifido as shown here… I’ve had two orders now cancelled due to low stock but I’ll keep trying. Probiotics are one supplement I do buy on a fairly regular basis.
I feel it is better to try to boost B vitamin synthesis with nutrition and in the kitchen but there are times when extra supplementation may be necessary…. especially for teenagers or the elderly.
Did you know?
LAB and bifidobacteria provide an effective way to increase vitamin levels in milk. Some bacterial strains in the genera Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium provide an additional source of B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, cobalamin, folate, and biotin) during dairy fermentation. Deficiencies in vitamin B2 or vitamin B1 can lead to both liver and skin disorders and alterations in brain glucose metabolism.
All of our B-vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, folic acid,and biotin are synthesized in the colon by various strains of Bifidobacteria. Several lactic acid bacteria (LAB) species (e.g., Lactococcus lactis, Lactobacillus gasseri, and Lactobacillus reuteri) and Bifidobacterium (e.g., B. adolescentis) produce B vitamins, often in large quantities and are found in fermented foods. L. reuteri was also found to metabolize glycerol, indicating that a LAB might also be able to make B12. Bifido strains of probiotics have been patented to specifically reduce H2S.
Sorry I have been MIA. It’s been very hard to keep up with my usual schedule lately. I am still trying to navigate incorporating this site into FB while at the same time preventing it from going down the rabbit hole due to lack of content. Let’s just say I am exploring solutions but wary of making any sudden changes.
I also just haven’t seen much that moves the ball. YouTube is still littered with ‘food wars’ content and while I have seen some recent videos that offered intriguing studies regarding low carb, keto and fasting and some new developments about glutathione the results were too rudimentary to present at the present time.
All in all the current tide is pretty mundane and I’ve seen little that would be of interest to me or my audience so I guess I’ll have to come up with other ideas to keep this subject matter relevant.
Perhaps you’ve noticed I’ve lost weight. Yes, I have and yes it’s intentional. I’ve lost 30 lbs. since last March without much of a diet plan to speak of aside from moderation because I refuse to limit choice and embark on another restrictive eating plan but I was getting concerned about weight gain. Over the last two years I pretty much just ate my way through the pandemic and eventually realized when my fattest self was looming on the horizon that it was probably not a good idea. I’m a little surprised that it has been so easy and I’m not quite sure why unless it is due to less inflammation. It hasn’t been fast but steady and that’s ok. If it’s due to being another year older since I’ve turned 60 I’ll let you know but I am phasing in extra nutrition as I am aware of the effects of aging on nutrition status even under ideal circumstances and it’s probably time to be a little more vigilant considering I am not one of those who had the benefit of ideal circumstance and have had to mitigate those detrimental effects now for decades with super nutrition. Yes, I was overjoyed when donuts no longer sent me in to painful paroxysms but it doesn’t mean they should be part of my RDA and it’s time to re-evaluate my own eating habits and proceed accordingly so I’ve done a short summation on the effects of malnutrition in the elderly to accompany this review.
Breastfeeding has been clinically shown to be both RNA and DNA protective at least until age 62.
Malnutrition In The Elderly
Malnutrition in the elderly has a complex and multifactorial origin; age is associated with physiological changes that cause the old person to be more vulnerable and more easily subjected to malnutrition in conjunction with risk factors, such as diseases, lifestyle, drugs, etc.
Gastrointestinal changes in aging involve motor function and therefore intestinal transit, mechanical breakdown of food and his chemical digestion. These alterations can progressively lead to the reduced ability to supply the body with adequate levels of nutrients, with the consequent development of malnutrition.
Recognizing risk factors is a fundamental step in being able to treat malnutrition.
Age is able to induce changes in the function of all organs and human physiological processes such as:
Intestinal function with a reduction in sensory perceptions, salivation, chewing, absorption of nutrients, and lactose tolerance;
Brain function with cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease;
Body composition with loss of lean mass (especially in skeletal muscle tissue, a phenomenon known as sarcopenia) and increase in fat mass with variation in its distribution;
Balance of fluids;
Bones and joints with osteoporosis and/or arthritis with a consequent increased risk of falls and fractures;
Metabolism with type 2 diabetes mellitus and dyslipidemia;
The cardiovascular system with various diseases;
Cell growth with cancer (cancer in the elderly exhibits a slower growth because they show a slower rate of cell development than in young people).
For geriatric patients, European guidelines established that malnutrition is characterized by the presence of either weight loss (which reflects a catabolic state) and/or a low BMI, representing depleted physiological stores.
Three types of weight loss that may affect the elderly are wasting, cachexia, and sarcopenia.
Wasting is due to an insufficient dietary intake and leads to involuntary weight loss.
Cachexia is due to induced catabolic processes, with the production of proinflammatory cytokines. Its main consequence is a reduction of lean mass and body cell mass.
Sarcopenia is defined as a loss of muscle mass in combination with a loss of muscle strength or physical performance; these two entities often occur together, this has led to the new term “malnutrition sarcopenia syndrome”. The etiology is poorly understood, but an important role is due to physical inactivity, the induction of a pro-inflammatory response, and the dysregulation of anabolic hormones, such as testosterone or growth hormone.
Depending on the type of malnutrition, protein catabolism can be pronounced. Malnutrition leads to protein catabolism with a rapid wasting of skeletal muscles, a lower muscle mass, and reduced muscle strength. At the same time, there could be a reduced dietary protein intake with a decreased bone mineral mass. The result is an impaired musculoskeletal function, increased disability, and with reduced physical performance an increased risk of falling, with a greater risk of osteoporosis and osteoporotic fractures.
An adequate protein intake associated with a correct energy intake is essential to prevent malnutrition and sarcopenia in the elderly and if the diet is not sufficient, it is necessary to supplement any micronutrient deficiencies.
Malnutrition also leads to an impaired immune function, with reduced cell-mediated immunity, and an increased risk of infection and delayed healing.
The mechanisms that lead to malnutrition in elderly people are complex, but can ultimately result from starvation, disease, or advanced aging, alone or in combination.
The main cause is to be found in a reduced and/or unbalanced dietary intake, due to many causes that can be divided in three main categories: physiological, psychological, and social. In developed countries, the main factor of malnutrition is disease.
Physiological Causes
• Gastrointestinal diseases
• Dysphagia
• Malabsorption
• Oral problems (poor oral hygiene)/loss of smell or taste
• Respiratory diseases
• Endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus)
• Neurological/psychiatric diseases
• Loss of autonomy with physical disability to feed self
• Infections
• Drugs interactions
• Cancer
• Poor appetite and poor diet
The gastrointestinal tract represents the primary and largest area of contact with environmental factors and ingested pathogens.
The regular functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is essential for maintaining good health of the body, as it guarantees the absorption of nutrients and drugs, and protection against external pathogens.
The multi-organ system that composes the gastrointestinal tract has large reserve capacity, and thus there is little changes in gastrointestinal function because of aging in absence of specific disease.
Nevertheless, some older older people can show a reduction of gastrointestinal functions, including immune function, with a greater frequency of bacterial and viral gastrointestinal infections compared to young people. Aging is associated with structural and functional alterations of mucosal defense, an increased oxidative stress, reduced ability to generate protective immunity, and increased incidence of inflammation and autoimmunity.
Particularly, the gastrointestinal mucosal layer represents the first line of defense against external pathogens and is equipped with multiple defense mechanisms, including the secretion of alkaline mucus, bicarbonate and antimicrobial peptides, epithelial intercellular tight junctions, antioxidants, autophagy, and antimicrobial peptides, and the innate mucosal immune system.
Mucus secretion performs multiple functions, such as protecting epithelial cells from pathogens, acids, digestive enzymes, and abrasion from food residues.
Aged mucosal surfaces are susceptible to lesions which appear to be receptive to differential levels of sex hormones.
Furthermore, in the elderly, the response to infection is often exacerbated by malnutrition; in fact, low-grade chronic inflammation can derive from the intestinal environment but with consequences even at a distance from the intestine, leading to fragility, sarcopenia, and degenerative disorders affecting various organic systems, including the central nervous system.
Microbial Digestion
With aging, physiological changes in the gastrointestinal tract are associated with major changes in the gut microbiota, with a reduced microbial stability and diversity.
In particular, low health-promoting bacteria, especially short-chain fatty acid-producing bacteria (SCFA) such as bifidobacteria, associated with an increased overgrowth of pathobionts (e.g., streptococci, staphylococci, enterobacteria, and enterococci anaerobes), can result in an overall decrease in saccharolytic production. At the same time, it seems to increase the proteolytic potential, resulting in a predominant putrefactive metabolism, with a gradual decline in immune system function and contributing to an augmented risk of infection and frailty.
This altered composition of microbiota significantly correlates with a pro-inflammatory status, and with a higher incidence of disease, frailty, co-morbidity, and undernutrition.
The reduction of short-chain fatty acids has important repercussions on the organism. They are derived from the undigested oligosaccharides and monosaccharides, which undergo bacterial degradation and fermentation, so as to be transformed into short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), i.e., acetate, propionate, and butyrate. SCFA are then almost completely absorbed in the colon, and used as energy for the colonocytes or transported to various peripheral tissues, influencing the human metabolism and exerting important anti-inflammatory and antineoplastic effects, promoting the formation and protection of the intestinal barrier from the harmful action of lipopolysaccharide (LPS); furthermore, they represent the most important drivers for microbiota change in the elderly.
Centenarians show a different and unique microbiota composition as compared to young adults and the elderly; in fact, both seem to have a similar bacterial structure, with a high composition of Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes and a minor population of Actinobacteria and Proteobacteria.
Furthermore, there is a shift of the Firmicutes population to a low diversity in terms of species composition, with an increase in Bacilli and a decrease and rearrangement of some cluster of Clostridium (i.e., the butyrate-producing bacteria Ruminococcus, Roseburia Eubacterium Faecalibacterium prausnitzii). This is very important because butyrate is a major energy source for the enterocytes and has a significant anti-inflammatory role.
Aged people with high levels of the mucin degrading Akkermansia muciniphila were found in comparison with the young adults.
In semi-supercentenarians, i.e., those aged 105–109, in comparison to adults, the elderly, and centenarians, a decrease was found in symbiotic bacteria, belonging mainly to the dominant Ruminococcaceae, Lachnospiraceae, and Bacteroidaceae families, as well as an increase in opportunistic bacteria along with age.
Ultimately, it is very important to emphasize and promote a correct diet and good life-style in light of the fact that they are considered to be the most important drivers for microbiota change in the elderly.
Intestinal Barrier and Immune System
In the elderly, modifications of the mucus could explain the reduced ability of bifidobacteria to bind to the mucosa, but, apart from H. pylori-positive subjects, the thickness of the mucus layer is not altered.
Aging is associated with “immunosenescence”, which is also a progressive reduction in the mucosal immune response of the intestine, linked to a reduced ability of the aging immune system to provide a tolerance towards antigens and a reduced production of immunoglobulin-specific antigen A, which represents the most important defensive mechanism of the mucosal immune response.
Finally, the lack of oral tolerance in old age can be explained by a decrease in the number and functionality of dendritic cells, which have the task of presenting antigens to immunocompetent B and T lymphocytes; however, in Peyer’s patches, the density of mononuclear phagocytes did not vary with aging.
Aging associated with malnutrition leads to a progressive deterioration of health in the elderly, with a consequent decrease in physical and functional abilities and a greater vulnerability of the patient, dependence in the activities of daily life, a poor quality of life, and greater morbidity and mortality.
Malnutrition also negatively affects the outcome of therapies because it reduces the immune response with a consequent increase in infections and delay in healing, reduces muscle mass, favoring inactivity and dependence, with psychological consequences leading to depression with a relative possible loss of appetite.
Elderly subjects tested with BMI, weight loss and food intake have consistently showed an association between mortality and malnutrition or nutritional risk.
A multidisciplinary team, such as geriatricians, gastroenterologists, dietitians, and other professionals, when necessary, should be assembled to treat malnutrition in older patients.
The nutritional intervention, lasting at least three months, should work on the treatment of the underlying cause of malnutrition and on the improvement of the nutritional status, monitoring weight changes and the estimation of food intake, which are key aspects to assess the effects of the intervention.
Impact of major food products on malnutrition.
Dairy Products
In old people, dairy products represent an important source of energy, protein, vitamins (A, B2, B5, B9, B12), minerals (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc), and cholesterol; furthermore, some important nutrients, such as vitamin B9 and vitamin D, can be administered by fortifying milk.
Furthermore, probiotic yogurt showed a reduction in mutagenicity in the intestinal tract after consumption, as well as anti-inflammatory activity.
The immune system is positively influenced by dairy products containing bacteria, such as fermented milk or yogurt with added probiotic strains and/or lactic acid bacteria; data from literature show positive effects of these products in a series of pathologies such as Clostridium difficile infection, infectious airway diseases, and the common cold and reducing the development of osteoporosis when integrated with calcium and vitamin D.
This concept has been reiterated by the European Society for the Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis (ESCEO), which recommend in frail elderly patients at a high risk of falls and fractures the daily consumption of food products fortified with calcium and vitamin D (such as yogurt or milk).
Dairy products, in particular milk proteins, are also rich in branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), in particular leucine, which are necessary for muscle protein synthesis; thus, preventing the onset of sarcopenia in the elderly.
Other clinical indications are constipation, relieved by yogurt supplemented with dietary fiber, non-viral gastroenteritis, where probiotic fermented milk can alleviate symptoms, and dental health that can be improved by milk intake, supplemented with fluoride and probiotics.
Finally, dairy products provide an important matrix for introducing the flavors preferred by the elderly in order to deliver nutrients tailored to their nutritional needs; in fact, the taste of food is very important as it can induce changes in preferences for food consumption and so influence food intake.
Recognizing risk factors is a fundamental step in being able to treat malnutrition.
Literature studies show how the quality of the diet is very important with respect to the risk of frailty but there are still significant gaps in the literature regarding the evidence for the non-drug treatment of malnutrition.
Nutrition and Healthy Aging: Prevention and Treatment of Gastrointestinal Diseases
Alternavita: All you need to know (critical info in a nutshell)..... by focusing exclusively on these foundational health and immune development issues up to 90% of chronic conditions can be eliminated.
WHO STATEMENTS: 2017 Millennium Goal
- Breastfeeding,
- food (security)
- and water security (sanitation)
are major protective factors against malnutrition and critical factors in the maturation of healthy gut microbiota, characterized by a transient bifidobacterial bloom before a global rise in anaerobes. Early depletion in gut Bifidobacterium longum, a typical maternal probiotic, known to inhibit pathogens, represents the first step in gut microbiota alteration associated with severe acute malnutrition (SAM). Later, the absence of the Healthy Mature Anaerobic Gut Microbiota (HMAGM) leads to deficient energy harvest, vitamin biosynthesis and immune protection, and is associated with diarrhea, malabsorption and systemic invasion by microbial pathogens. A therapeutic diet and infection treatment may be unable to restore bifidobacteria and HMAGM.
Researchers found that malnourished children’s microbiota failed to follow the healthy pattern they identified in healthy children. The microbiota of malnourished children is immature, lagging in development behind that of their healthy peers. Supplementing these children’s meals with widely used therapeutic foods that increase calories and nutrient density reduces deaths from malnutrition, but it does not fix their persistent microbiota immaturity.
“Perhaps more insidious than slowing growth is malnutrition’s effect on less visible aspects of health, including impaired brain development and dysfunctional immunity, which follow these children throughout their lives”.
The Father of The Microbiome
Dr. Jeffrey Gordon
SIBO can cause severe malabsorption, serious malnutrition and immune deficiency syndromes in children (non breastfed) and adults.
Prognosis is usually serious, determined mostly by the underlying disease that led to SIBO.
The WHO recommends that immunization or treatment be orally administered due to economic, logistical and security reasons. Furthermore, this route offers important advantages over systemic administration, such as reducing side effects, as the molecules are administered locally and have the ability to stimulate the GALT immune responses (Levine and Dougan, 1998; Neutra and Kozlowski, 2006; Bermúdez-Humarán et al., 2011).
For ANY infectious or parasitic disease to start, it is ALWAYS a requisite that the host suffer IMMUNODEFICIENCY. At the same time, infectious and parasitic diseases themselves cause additional IMMUNE SUPPRESSION and more MALNUTRITION. This immune suppression is SECONDARY to the accumulation of free radicals, especially oxidizing species, that occurs during and after infectious and parasitic diseases.
Clinical Aspects of Immunology and Biochem J.
Current IBD Research 2016
Currently available treatments for IBD, which target the systemic immune system, induce immunosuppression, thereby exposing the patient to the risk of infections and malignancy. The interplay between the gut and the systemic immune system determines the final effect on target organs, including the bowel mucosa. Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are associated with an altered systemic immune response leading to inflammation-mediated damage to the gut and other organs.
Clinical & Translational Immunology (2016)
Gastroenterology and Liver Units, Department of Medicine, Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel
Most importantly, the immune modulatory agents used today for IBD do not achieve remission in many patients.
Not all IBD patients benefit from currently available drugs. Young people with IBD do not want to be on long-term drug therapy. Oral immune therapy, while not yet studied in large cohorts of patients, may provide an answer to this unmet need.
Clinical & Translational Immunology (2016)
Gastroenterology and Liver Units, Department of Medicine, Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel
Tolerance is the ability of the immune system to ‘see’ and respond appropriately. Without galactose (a necessary sugar) the immune system can not 'see'. Your immune system would not be able to function without galactose Your body wouldn’t know which cells are
“good” and what cells are “bad.” Your body wouldn’t know who the invaders were and which ones should be attacked by antibodies. As you will learn the importance of these ‘sugars’ in gut microbiota health is a rapidly expanding field of research, only recently
discovered, including HMO's (human milk oligosaccharides).
Why galactose?
Milk sugar aka lactose has been shown to be very beneficial for the human body though unlike sucrose, lactose is made up of glucose and galactose. There is no fructose in lactose. It is a healthy disaccharide sugar. Galactose is known as the “brain sugar” and supports brain development of babies and children. Galactose helps triggers long-term memory formation. Galactose has been shown to inhibit tumor growth and stop its spread, particularly to the liver. This beneficial sugar can also enhance wound healing, decrease inflammation, enhances cellular communication, and increases calcium absorption.
What does immune ‘tolerance’ mean in simple language?
Immune tolerance, or immunological tolerance, or immunotolerance, is a state of unresponsiveness of the immune system to
substances or tissue that have the capacity to elicit an immune response in a given organism. The Th1 cytokine profile is vital for clearance of certain organisms and ancillary immune activity, and a limiting effect on this cytokine profile may result in reduced chances for overcoming infections especially intra-cellular organisms residing within macrophages.
Effective clearance will depend on appropriate macrophage activation (which occurs through IFN≥ release by Th1 and NK cells) and production of nitric oxide. If this pathway is disrupted IFN≥ secretion is blocked, impairing macrophage activation.
Persistent blockade of these inhibitory receptors has lead to the breakdown in immune self tolerance, thereby increasing susceptibility to autoimmune or auto-inflammatory side effects, including rash, colitis, hepatitis and endocrinopathies.
Many drugs may cause checkpoint blockade toxicity including pharmaceutical drugs termed ‘immuno therapy’ by pharmaceutical companies, these include Mab drugs and cancer treatments.
Checkpoint Inhibitor–Induced Colitis: A New Type of Inflammatory Bowel Disease?
Madeline Bertha, MD MS, corresponding author1 Emanuelle Bellaguara, MD, Timothy Kuzel, MD, and Stephen Hanauer, MD
ACG Case Rep J. 2017; 4: e112.
Published online 2017 Oct 11. doi: 10.14309/crj.2017.112
PMCID: PMC5636906
PMID: 29043290
The Elderly
Mammal milk is required for enhanced phagocytosis as shown by research, especially in the elderly. Whole fat mammal milk can actually restore phagocytosis in senescent cells in the elderly. Phagocytosis, by which immune cells ‘eat’ bacteria or infected cells, is one of the mechanisms that help to resist infections. Lactic acid bacteria strains like acidophilus also increases phagocytosis.